Friday, July 8, 2011

The Family

To start off lets tell about the family

Orion - The youngest of the family, he is four years old and behaves pretty well. He is a tough one. Went through brain surgery at age one and got out of the hospital on thanks giving day. Now that is amazing. He can be kinda stuborn like when he tried sitting in front of an icecream truck because we told him he couldnt get any.

Trinity - The sweet one, she is seven years old and always kind to anyone even if her brother is mean to her she is always nice to him. She can get lost very easily lol we lost her at disney world once and found her in the same place we left her gave us a scare but she fin just gone for a few minutes.

Riley - The hyper one, and is nine years old he is probably the most hyper little kid you will ever meet he has all three types of ADHD and has ADD so he is kinda crazy. Luckily we have his meds that help out a little bit. He got his finger crushed one time so they had to put a cast on his entire arm so he didnt mess with it and he broke the cast open three differnt times.

Annalia - The glory hog, ten year old annalia loves attention more than anything she even has her own channel on youtube she has the cutest smile you will ever see adorable. Did i mention she has blue hair?

Jakob - The mean one, he is twelve years old and always trying to mess with me and so annoying but I love him and he can even play the violin and the guitar pretty cool

Cheyenne - The adopted one?  She is seven years like trinity and they are best friends her dad drops her off here all thr time sometimes for a week other times months but we all love her and see her as part of the family

Scarlett - Me the first born and fourteen anyways going to 9th grade and why yes I have purple hair am i going to post a picture of me nope you can deal with it lol but im just epic i guess lol

Mom - The mother of all these kids her age i shall not tell and she is a published writer woo go mom she is just like that cool lol her website is pretty cool and she is the best mom ever wooo

Dad - The father of all these kids he is just awesome and loves us all and works to by cute clothes for me and i guess stuff for the others to lol :P look at the picture of daddy and his big sister awww

So there is the family pets will be posted soon check back in for all our fun stories and lots more

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